Add a Graphical Interpretation question to the GMAT Mock Test.

On the Learnyst platform, you can include Graphical Interpretation problems in your GMAT mock exam.

  • To include a Graphical Interpretation Question question on your GMAT exam, go to the relevant GMAT mock test and click the Add Question option

    Graphical Interpretation question types (8)
  • Now, choose the Graphical Interpretation Question Type. 

    Graphical Interpretation question types (9)
  • You will now be on this page. Here, you can enter the question's instructions together with an image.

    Graphical Interpretation question types
  • Then write a question in this field.

    Graphical Interpretation question types (1)
  • To include a dropdown in the question, click the dropdown icon. When you click the symbol, the dropdown box will include the question. 

    Graphical Interpretation question types (2)
  • To customise the choices, click the dropdown box, input the options, and mark the appropriate answer by clicking the checkbox. Then, click the Save button. 

    Graphical Interpretation question types (3)
  • Selecting the Settings icon allows you to further customise the marks, difficulty level, and other characteristics for your questions.

    Graphical Interpretation question types (4)
  • When you have finished providing the necessary information for the question, click the Save button.

    Graphical Interpretation question types (7)
  • You can share an explanation for this question. 

    Graphical Interpretation question types (5)
  • By clicking the preview button, you can see the format of the questions.

    Graphical Interpretation question types (6)
  • Your Graphical Interpretation question will be shown to learners in the image below.

    V2 MCQ question types (5)