Add a QR code for your slide lesson.

With the slide QR code, your students will be able to access the particular slide immediately.

It takes two steps to add a QR code for your lessons
  1. Adding QR code to Your lessons 
  2. Creating a QR code

Step 1: Adding a QR code to your lessons.

  • To utilize the QR code for the slide lesson, navigate to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Choose the slide lesson > Click "Settings".

    QR sli
  • You'll be sent to the branding section. Right now, select Features from the menu on the left side of the screen.

    QR sli (1)
  • Click the "Add QR Code" button.

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  • After clicking on it, you can enter your QR title and code here.

    QR sli (3)
  • Then, enter the slide position. If you select the video slide, enter the starting time of the video. 

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  • Then select code access. 

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  • After providing the required information, click the "Save" button.

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  • now your QR code for the slide lesson is ready.

Add a QR code name without space or special characters.


Step 2: Generating a QR code

  • Visit the QR Code Generator website to create the QR code.
  • Once you've entered the website, Choose the Text option and simply paste your QR code name here.

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  • The QR code has now been successfully generated. This QR code can be scanned for offline content.

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  • Your students can enter this lesson directly now by using the app to scan this QR code.