Add attachments to your lessons

You can attach links or files with your lessons. These attachments let your learners learn more about the lesson.

  • To add attachments to your classes, go to Contents > Courses and select your desired course.

  • Now, select the lesson you want.

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  • You'll land on this page. Once you've uploaded the lesson's content, you can add the attachment.
  • If you wish to include a link in the lesson, click the Add link option.

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  • Here, paste your link and click the Save button.

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  • You can also add attached files from your local or cloud storage by selecting the Browse option.

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  • Here you can see a list of options, such as My Device and Google Drive, to upload files. Now I select the My Device option. 

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  • Now you can select the file from your local storage. Once you have selected suitable files, click on the Open button.

  • Now you've attached the file from the local device for your learners to download.

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  • You can upload a maximum of 10 attachments.
  • The maximum size for each file can only be 3 GB.