Add audio format lessons to your course.

With a few simple clicks on the Learnyst platform, you can add audio-formatted lessons to your course.

  • To add the audio lesson to your course, go to Contents > Courses > Select the desired course.

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  • To add a new lesson, just click the "Add Lesson" button.

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  • As soon as you click it, several lesson types become visible. To add an audio lesson, simply type the lesson title, select the audio lesson, and press the "Continue" button.

  • You'll arrive on this new page. You can upload an audio file from your computer or a Cloud storage provider, such as Dropbox or Drive.

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  • You can attach files to the lesson to engage your learners. 

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  • Once you've attached the files, simply click the Preview option to check your lessons. 

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  • Now your audio lesson and attachments are accessible to your students.