Add brand details in lesson settings.

On the Learnyst platform, you can add branding details for your lessons. it helps grab learner's attention and provide impactful information about your lesson.

  • To add a lesson description, thumbnail and edit the lesson title, navigate to Contents > Courses > Select course > Select the desired lesson > Click "Settings".

    lesson brand
  • By default, you will land in the branding zone.
  • You can fill in the essential information and lesson description on this page. 

    1. Course name: Give your lesson a unique and suitable title.

    2. Lesson Type: Click on any of the options to set up the lesson as a paid or trial one.

    3. Short Description - Here, you can enter a short description of the lesson. This will show up beside the name of your lesson.

    lesson brand (1)
  • If you scroll down, you'll see the Lesson thumbnail and Display in syllabus options.

    4. Description: Provide engaging details about your lesson to grab students' interest.

    5. Lesson thumbnail: To add visual appeal to the lesson, select the "Upload" button and upload the image from your computer. However, there's no need for this option for your live and quiz classes.

    6. Display in Syllabus: If you select the hide option, your lesson will be hidden from your students' view in the course syllabus.

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  • Lastly, remember to press the "Save" button.