Add branding details for your product to attract learners.

The product name, Description, and Promotional videos help grab learners' attention and provide impactful information about your well-designed product. And the Learnyst platform makes these steps easier.

  • To add useful terms to your course, go to Contents > Courses > Select the Desired Course.

  • Click the "Settings" button.

  • Now you will land on the "Settings" page. On this settings page, click on "Branding.” 

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  • On this page, you can enter the important details and promotional video for your course. 
  1. Course name: Provide an attractive and suitable name for your course.
  2. Short description: This will appear under your course's name. 
  3. Description: Enter impactful information about your courses to grab learner's attention to subscribe to your course.

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    If you scroll down, you can see the course image and the course video embed options. 

  4. Course Image: Click the "Upload" button and upload the image from your system to make your course attractive.
  5. Course Video Embed: Click the "Upload" button and embed the promotional video by entering the URL.

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  • Finally, don’t forget to hit the "Save" button.
  • In the same way, you can add brand details for all of your products, including bundles, test series, and mock tests.