Add episodes to your podcasts.

Once you've created your podcast, you can add audio format episodes to it.

  • Once you have created a podcast, you can add episodes to it. 
  • To add an episode to your podcast, go to Contents > Podcasts and pick the desired podcast.

    add epi pod (7)
  • Now, click the Add Episode button.

    add epi pod
  • Once you click it, you can see the audio lesson. Now, enter the lesson title, select audio type, and click the Continue button.

    add epi pod (2)
  • You'll arrive on this new page. You can upload an audio file from your computer or a cloud storage provider, such as Dropbox or Drive.

    add epi pod (1)
  • You can attach files to the episode to engage your learners.

    add epi pod (4)
  • Once you've attached the files, simply click the Preview option to examine your episode.

    add epi pod (3)
  • Finally, your episode and attachments are available to your learners.