Add Learner Details to Google Sheets on Product Purchase

Create a Zap that automatically adds learner details to a spreadsheet on purchase of a product

  1. Sign up on Zapier and start creating a Zap
  2. Set up the Trigger Events
  3. Configure your Google Spreadsheet
  4. Set up the Action Event

Sign up on Zapier and start creating a Zap:

  • Sign up for an account on Zapier.
  • Once on the Zapier dashboard, navigate to Create > Zaps to set up a new zap, to automate your workflow.

  • Write a Title for your Zap and set up Action and Trigger Events.

Set up the Trigger Events: 

  • Click Trigger to add a trigger application.

  • Add Learnyst as your trigger application.

  • Choose the trigger event as Purchase and continue to the next step.

  • To connect the Learnyst account, input the following school details: password, Learnyst domain, and email address.

  • Click Test Trigger to confirm your trigger is set up correctly.

  • Click Continue with Selected record. 


Configure your Google Spreadsheet:

  • You need to create a google spreadsheet into which the data will be stored.
  • Add column labels like user email, product name, price to the spreadsheet.

  • Now we can set up our Action Event. 

Set up the Action Event:

  • Click Action.

  • Choose Google Sheets as action application and Create Multiple Spreadsheet rows event.

  • Connect Google account with Zapier and click continue.
  • Select the Google Spreadsheet with column labels and choose to include data in all columns or only in selective data fields.

  • Map the values corresponding to your column labels and click Continue.

  • Click on Test Step to test if the row is added into the spreadsheet.

  • Finally, click Publish to make your Zap live.
  • Now, when a learner purchases a course, the details will be added to spreadsheet in real time.
