Add a QR code for your lessons

With the lesson QR code, your students will be able to access the particular lesson immediately.

It takes two steps to add a QR code for your lessons
  1. Adding QR code to Your lessons 
  2. Creating a QR code
Step 1: Adding a QR code to your lessons.
  • To utilize the lesson QR code, navigate to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Choose the lesson > Click "Settings." 

    Lesson QR code
  • You will be directed to the branding section. Right now, choose the Features option from the menu on the left side of the screen.

    Lesson QR code (1)
  • Click the Add QR Code button.

    Lesson QR code (2)

  • After clicking on it, you can enter the necessary information below. After entering the details, press the "Save" button.

    Lesson QR code (3)

Note: Add QR code name without space or special characters.

  • Step 2: Generating a QR code.

  • Visit the QR Code Generator website to create the QR code.
  • Once you've entered the website, Choose the Text option and simply paste your QR code name here.

    QR sli (7)
  • The QR code has now been successfully generated. This QR code can be scanned for offline content. Your students can access this lesson straight now by using the app to scan this QR code.

    Lesson QR code (6)
  • You can generate QR codes for audio and PDF lessons using the same steps.