Add SCORM/TINCAN lessons for your course.

On the Learnyst platform, you can ask your students questions while the video is playing. Your students will find learning more fascinating and engaging when you use these kinds of interactive courses.

  • To add SCORM/TINCAN lessons to the course, navigate to Contents > Courses > Select the desired course.

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  • Then, click on the Add lesson.

  • When you click it, several lesson types become apparent. Now, write the lesson title, choose "SCORM or Tincan," and click "Continue."

    SCORM (1)
  • You'll arrive on this new page. You can upload your SCORM zip file from your computer or a Cloud storage provider, such as Dropbox or Drive.

    SCORM (2)
  • You can attach files to the lesson to engage your learners. 

    SCORM (3) 
  • Once you've attached the files, simply click the Preview option to examine your lessons. 

    SCORM (4)
  • Your students can now access your lesson and its attachments.