Add a thumbnail, a short and detailed description to your lessons. 

On the Learnyst platform, you can add a thumbnail, a short and detailed description to provide interesting details about your course and attract the learner's attention.

  • To add the descriptions and thumbnails of the lesson, navigate to Contents > Courses > Select the desired course.

  • Now select the desired lesson.

    trial lesso
  • Now click on the Settings button.

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  • Now you will land on the Branding page. Here, you can view the short description, description, and thumbnail options.  

  1. Short Description: Enter a brief description of the lesson here. This will appear beside the name of your lesson.
  2. Description: Use fascinating details about your lesson to attract student's interest.
  3. Lesson thumbnail: To add visual appeal to the lesson, select the "Upload" button and upload the image from your computer. 
  • Once you've added all of the necessary information, click the Save button. 

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  • These interesting details about your course help to attract the learner's attention.