Add Text and Modify the Text Settings

We can add paragraph content and customize theformatting, color, font, and placement of the text.

In this Article: 

  1. Adding a Paragraph element.
  2. Text Formatting
  3. Text Color & Background
  4. Font Settings
  5. Placement
  6. Paragraph Settings

Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below:

Adding a Paragraph Element

  • Click on the Add icon and select the Paragraph element from the list.
  • It will generate a dummy text.


Text Formatting

  • You can enhance your text by making it bold, italic, underlined, with strikethrough, or in uppercase.

  • Alignment options include left, right, center, and justified for text positioning.


Text Color and Background

  • Color: Change the color of the text.
  • Highlight: Add a background color to the paragraph.


Font Settings

  • Customize font size, weight, and style according to preference.



  • To reposition the text within the container, we have the option to push it to the top, middle, bottom, or make it span the full width.


Paragraph Settings: 

  • Heading: Choose the appropriate CSS type (e.g., div, p).
  • Line Spacing: Adjust spacing between lines of text.
  • Letter Spacing: Modify spacing between individual letters.
  • List & Indentation: Convert text to lists or adjust indentation as needed.
