Create a Batch

Creating a batch involves setting the correct start and end dates, along with configuring the pricing details.

  • Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below.

  • To Add Tracks inside the batch you need to create them first here is the article that can help you Create your Track
  • Once the Tracks are created. you can add them to Batches. to do that Navigate to Admin Dashboard >> Contents >> Batch >> Batches

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  • Click on the Create button in the top right corner.

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  • Input the Title for your batch, set the Pricing details, and you can also make it a free batch by checking the "Make this a free batch" option.
  • Then, input the start date and end date for your batch.

Choose the end date for your batch carefully, as it cannot be changed once selected.

  • Finally, click on the Create button.

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  • Now the Batch has been Created successfully

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