Add version 2 multiple-choice questions to the GMAT Mock Test.

On the Learnyst platform, you may add version 2 multiple-choice questions to your GMAT mock exam. Here, you can add multiple-question instructions.

  • To add a version 2 multiple-choice question to your GMAT exam, go to the appropriate GMAT mock test and click the Add Question option. 

    V2 MCQ question types
  • Now select the multiple-choice V2 question type. 

    V2 MCQ question types (1)
  • You will now be on this page. Customizing Version 2 multi-choice is very similar to the standard multiple-choice question, except, in Version 2, you can add multiple instructions by selecting the "+" sign.
     V2 MCQ question types (2)
  • When you click the "+" icon, fill in the label text and instructions below. Then, click the Save button. 

    V2 MCQ question types (3)
  • The remaining tasks are the same as typical multi-choice questions.
  • Your version 2 multi-choice question will be displayed to your students in the image below.

    V2 MCQ question types (6)