Apply Filters in Learner Reports

On the Learnyst platform, you can filter your learner's list before exporting or creating a group. 

  • To filter your report, please log in as an admin.
  • You'll arrive at the admin dashboard. Next, choose Reports from the menu on the left. 

  • An options list is displayed here. Choose the one that you wish to filter. I selected the Enrollments option. 

  • Once you arrive on this page, you can use these options to narrow your results.  

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  1. Filter By Enroll On: This feature allows you to narrow down your result based on the date.

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  2. Select Columns: Use this option to select the columns you want to analyze.

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  3. Add filter: Click on the Add Filter button and filter the results by selecting the Email, Enrolled Type, and other criteria. Once you select all the filters, click on the Apply Filter button. 

  • You can apply the Add filter option multiple times to narrow down your results.

  • You now have successfully filtered your reports.