Obtain all the learner's details from custom fields.

You can obtain every data about the students, including their activities and information.

  • To get the learner's details, go to the Reports area and choose the Custom Fields options.

    Custom fields
  • You will now arrive at the Learners Report page. Here, you can view all of the learner's details, such as their contact information and activities.
  • You can click on each row to view more information about that specific learner profile.

    Custom fields  (1)
  • You can also sort the list ascending and descending by clicking on the columns with triangle symbols, such as the Last Active On and SignedUp On columns.

    tri (1)
  • Here, you can use these options to narrow down your list.

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  1. Filter By Date: This feature allows you to sort the students according to the SignedUp date.

    Custom fields  (3)
  2. Add filter: By selecting the Email, Total Spent, and other criteria, you can filter the results after clicking the "Add Filter" button. Click the Apply Filter button once you've chosen every filter.

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  3. Select Columns: This feature allows you to choose the columns you want to include in your analysis.

    Custom fields  (5)
  • Click the Export button to download the learner's report after you have filtered the learner's details.

    Custom fields  (6)
  • A download link will appear in your email after you click it. The report is now available for download from your mail.