Configure Stripe Payment Gateway

Integrating Stripe on Learnyst enhances payment experience with flexible payment options and streamlined transactions.

In this Article:

  1. Create a Stripe Account
  2. Generating the Secret Keys and User ID
  3. Configure Paypal Payments on Learnyst

Create a Stripe Account:

  • Visit and click on Sign Up to start creating an account on Stripe.
  • Provide all necessary information on the following page and finalize the account setup.

If you intend to use Stripe for business transactions, it is essential to provide card details and complete verification steps. However, during the setup process, you can initially use it in testing mode.

Generating the Secret Keys and User ID:

  • After reaching the stripe dashboard, click on the settings icon present on the header. Proceed by clicking on the profile button.
  • Under the accounts label, you'll find an ID associated. It will be used later when we set up Stripe payment gateway on Learnyst.

  • Navigate to the Developers section in the header.

  • Click on API keys and under the Standard Keys Header and save the Publishable key and Secret Key.

  • Make sure to securely record the Client ID and Secret Key. These will be utilized in the setup process when configuring the payment gateway on Learnyst.

Configure PayPal Payment Gateway on Learnyst:

  • Navigate to the payment gateway settings within your Learnyst account.
  • Click on Add Payment Gateway and select Stripe.

  • Enter the user id associated with your Stripe that we recorded earlier.
  • Input the Publishable Key and Secret Key obtained from Standard Keys on Stripe.

  • Click on Save and publish the Payment Gateway.

  • Optionally, set it as the default payment gateway if desired.