Configure your course professional certificate.

On the Learnyst platform, you can set up the necessary criteria and tests for issuing certificates to your learners.

  • Once you enable the course certificate, click the “Configure Certificates” option to set up the criteria for earning the course certificate... 

    Confi Cer (1)
  • Here, you can add useful parameters.

    Confi Cer
  1. Course completion criteria: Enter your course completion percentage here. Your learners will receive a certificate if they have completed a particular percentage of your course.
  2. Certificates: With this choice, your students will receive a certificate based on either their first or most recent attempt.
  • Once you enter the details, click on the "Save" button.

    Confi Cer (3)
  • Then click on the "Add Test" button.

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  • Select the test and enter the pass mark here. This option guarantees that certificates are issued only if a particular test is passed with a particular score.
  • You can add multiple quizzes to issue a certificate. 

    Confi Cer (4)
  • After you have finished entering all of the changes, click the Save button. 

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  • Now, your learner will be granted a certificate once the specified conditions have been satisfied.