Connect a WhatsApp business account to Learnyst School.

On the learnyst platform, you can use WhatsApp Messenger to send marketing messages to your learners and help your business grow.

  • To set up your WhatsApp messenger, go to Marketing >> Messenger. 

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  • You'll land on this page. Now click the Connect button. 

  • To connect your WhatsApp messenger to school, first setup a WhatsApp business API account. So now, hit the Continue with Facebook button.

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  • Then, confirm your Facebook account.

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  • Then, click the Get Started button to reach this page. Then, Select your existing business portfolio or create a new one here.
  • Once you've created your business portfolio, proceed to the next page. 

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  • Enter the WhatsApp business account name, display name, and category. 

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  • Then choose the whatsapp business account and profile. if you don't have account create a new one.

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  • Then enter the WhatsApp account number. This is number that your student will see when chatting with you.

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Make sure your phone number is not already registered with the Whatsapp.

  • When you enter the number, WhatsApp will validate it and send OTP. enter the OTP and move to next page. 

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  • Once you've entered the OTP, click the Continue button to verify your information.

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  • You have now successfully created a WhatsApp business API account and are connected to your Learnyst school.  

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    Once you have linked your WhatsApp business account with learnyst, you can create a marketing WhatsApp template to help grow your online business.