Copy the existing test series.

On the Learnyst platform, you can copy an existing test series.

  • To copy a test series for your school, log in as an admin.
  • Then choose the Contents option from the left-hand menu bar.

    COpy cour
  • Now, select Utilities from the dropdown.

    COpy cour (1)
  • Now, click the Copy Product option.

    COpy cour (2)
  • When you click it, you will be taken to this page. Now, click the Copy Test series option.

    COpy  tes ser
  • Now, click the Select button to choose the test series.

    COpy  tes ser  (1)
  • Here's a list of your test series. Now, choose any test series to copy. Then click the Save & Next button.

    COpy  tes ser  (2)
  • After you've chosen a test series, you must select its sections and tests. To choose sections, click the another Select button.

    COpy  tes ser  (3)
  • Select the desired sections.

    COpy  tes ser  (4)
  • To copy all the sections, click the Select All Sections box.

    COpy  tes ser  (5)
  • After you've picked the sections, click the Continue button.

    COpy  tes ser  (6)
  • Now, click the Next button.

    COpy  tes ser  (7)
  • A confirmation pop-up appears in the window. Simply click the Continue button.

    COpy  tes ser  (8)
  • Here, choose the school or the sub-school and the new test series option.

    COpy  tes ser  (9)
  • Enter the name of the new test series. Then, click the Confirm button.

    COpy  tes ser  (10)
  • A confirmation pop-up appears in the window. Simply click the Continue button.

    COpy  tes ser  (11)
  • Your test series is now copied. Once copied, you can see the newly copied test series on the test series page.

    COpy  tes ser  (12)
  • These steps will allow you to build a new test series by copying an existing test series.