Error Title: Authentication Expired
Error Description: Please Sign-in again
Reason: Logged in with same login credential in another device.
Solution: Logout from other device & login again.
Error Title: Error
Error Description: Please check your internet connection
Reason: No Internet connection.
Solution: Please connect to internet and try again
Error Title: Media Error
Error Description: No internet
Reason: It could be due to old version of app or due to cached data within app
Solution: Clear your app cache through Settings > About > Clear Cache and try accessing these lessons again.
Error Title: Error
Error Description: You have not confirmed your email yet!
Reason: Registered email not confirmed by the student.
Solution: Ask student to confirm the email address or resend request for email verification. Resend request can be sent through admin panel.
Error Title: Enroll failed
Error Description: Please try again
Reason: Enrolling while there is no internet access.
Solution: Connect to internet & enrol for the course.
Error Title: Permission denied
Error Description: Please buy the course to access the lesson
Reason: Enrolled for the Paid course without making the purchase and trying to access the paid lesson
Solution: Buy the course to access the paid lesson
Error Title: Download failed
Error Description: This lesson not available for download
Reason: Error is displayed when trying to Download blog/HTML lesson
Solution: Only Image, PDF, Videos are allowed to download. At present, Blog/HTML lessons cannot be downloaded for offline access
Error Title: Lesson download failed
Error Description: No slides or videos present in the lesson. Lesson cannot be downloaded
Reason: When trying to download YouTube lesson or test
Solution: Allowed to download only Image, PDF, Video lessons.
Error Title: Token Expired
Error Description: Check your internet connection and try again
Reason: Security token expired and could not refresh token due to no internet
Solution: Connect device to internet and access the lesson. If issue persists go to Settings>About>Clear Cache. Try accessing again.
Error Title: Network error
Error Description: Youtube videos cannot be played. Please check your internet connection
Reason: No Internet access while playing the YouTube videos.
Solution: Access YouTube videos when there is internet access.
Error Title: Error
Error Description: Failed to Mark complete. Check your internet connection and retry
Reason: If there is no internet access while marking the lesson as complete.
Solution: Connect to internet & mark the lesson as complete.
Error Title: Error
Error Description: Lesson data fetch failed. Please go back and try again
Reason: Trying to access lesson when internet is not available and lessons are not cached offline.
Solution: Connect to internet to access the lesson.
Error Title: Error
Error Description: Courses data fetch failed. Please go back and try again
Reason: Trying to access course when internet is not available and course is not cached offline.
Solution: Access the course where there is internet access.
Error Title: Failed to fetch course
Error Description: Check your internet connection. Click "OK" to retry and "CANCEL" to exit
Reason: Opening the app and trying to access the course first time (or after Clear Cache or app re-launch) when there is no internet access.
Solution: Connect to internet to access the course for the first time.
Error Title: Operation failed
Error Description: Operation failed. Please try again
Reason: Discussion forum or notes operation like asking, replying or editing failed due to no internet access.
Solution: Connect to internet to use discussion forum or notes.
Error Title: Facebook login failed
Error Description: Reason : Facebook not shared email with us. Please check your facebook account settings & try
Reason: User Facebook account does not have email address. This could be due to user has signed up with mobile number.
Solution: Please follow these steps:
step 1 : Open your facebook account > settings > general > check email is confirmed or not. If not, confirm and go to step 2
step 2 : Open facebook settings > apps > remove the app
step 3 : Now try to login to school
Error Title: Error
Error Description: User cancelled dialog
Reason: User cancelled while signing through facebook.
Solution: User needs to provide required facebook permission for the app
Error Title: Failed to fetch quiz
Error Description: Check your internet connection and then click ‘OK’ to retry
Reason: User is trying to take test while there is no internet access.
Solution: Take the test when there is internet access. Quiz cannot be taken offline.
Error Title: Failed to fetch result
Error Description: Check your internet connection and then click ‘OK’ to retry
Reason: User is trying to access test result when there is no internet access.
Solution: Check test result when there is internet access.
Error Title: Downloaded offline video hangs every few seconds
Error Description: Downloaded offline videos plays without issues till 45 mins. After 45 mins it hangs.
Reason: Time and date on mobile device is wrongly set either to previous date or to future date.
Solution: Set time to current time and restart app. Downloaded videos should start working without any issues.
If problem persists even after performing all of the above solutions then please raise a ticket.
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