Create a trial lesson for your course.

On the Learnyst platform, you can create a trial lesson to attract your learners. Trial lessons are like a “test drive” for a course. Trial lessons allow students to test out a course before deciding to purchase it.

  • To create a trial lesson, go to Contents > Courses and select the desired course.

  • Now choose the lesson you want.

    trial lesso
  • Now, press the Settings button.

    trial lesso (1)
  • You will be on the Branding page. The trial lesson option is listed under the lesson type.

    trial lesso (2)
  • Now, select the Trail Lesson option and hit the Save button.

    trial lesso (3)
  • Now, this lesson can function as a trial and will assist you in purchasing your course.
  1. This trial lesson option is only available for the paid course. Not available for free courses. 
  2. All of your lessons will be paid unless you change them to trial lessons.