Create a practice quiz.

If you create a practice quiz, your student can see the correct answer after answering each question. However, advanced features and Essay lessons cannot be customised.

  • To create a practice quiz, navigate to Contents > Courses > Select the desired course.

    reorder section-1
  • Then click the "Add Lesson" button.

    gen quiz
  • When you click it, several lesson types are displayed. Now, simply enter the lesson title, select Section Quiz, and click Continue.

    gen quiz (1)
  • Now you will land on this page. Now select the Practice Quiz option. Then click on the Save button.

    prac quiz
  • Now your learners can view the solution after answering each question.
  • If you choose the Practice Quiz option, your student can see the correct answer after answering each question. 
  • The essay lesson is not available for practice quizzes. 
  • You can't create a new section in the practice quiz.
  • For the practice quiz, you cannot modify the switch tab restriction and advanced feature settings (with the exception of the Randomisation settings).