Overview of the test series

Helping your learners through test series enables you to identify the learner's skills and decide the level of improvement needed.

  • To create a test series for your school, log in as an admin.
  • Then select Content from the left-hand menu bar.

  • Now, choose the Test Series from the dropdown.

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  • You'll arrive at this page. Click on the Create button. 

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  • Enter the title and price of the test series.

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  • If you want to offer this test series for free, please select the Make it a free test series option.

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  • Then, click the Create button. 

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  • You will now be on this page. Click the Add Set button.

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  • Enter the name of the set and click the Save button.  

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  • Now you'll arrive here. Now, click the Set and select the Add Test option.

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  • Clicking it will take you to the Select Section Quiz Template page. Click here to select a suitable test template. 
  • Once you have selected the template, click the Save button.

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  • To add different types of questions to the test, click the section and select the Add Question option.

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  • When you click it, a variety of question types appear. Simply select any question type.
  • Now I've selected the multiple-choice question. 

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  • This is where you can add quiz instructions, questions, options, and an explanation of the solution. To indicate the right answer, tick this box.

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  • You can also customise your question marks and difficulty level by clicking the Settings icon.
  • Additionally, you can allow multiple right answers for your MCQ.

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  • After you have completed your changes, click the Save button.  

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  • If you want to go into more detail about this topic, click on the upload explanation option and submit an attachment.

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  • By following these steps, you can include any question type.