Overview of the workflow

The Learnyst platform's Workflows feature allows you to effectively automate your marketing processes.

  • Log in as an admin to set up your marketing workflow.
  • Then select the Marketing module from the left-side menu.

    WF create (1)
  • Select the Workflows option from the drop-down menu.

    WF create
  • You will now be on the Workflows page. Now, click the Create button.

    WF create (2)
  • Here, enter the workflow's title and description.

    WF create (3)
  • If you want your learner to receive marketing emails again and again, click the Allow Learners To Resubscribe option.
  • Then, click the Create button.

    WF create (4)
  • Once you click the create button, you will be taken to the use cases page.
  • A use case list appears here. Now, choose any use case and click the Add use case option.
  • Now I'll choose the Attract Prospective Learners by Sending eBooks use case.

    WF create (5)
  • Now you can view the workflow chart based on your use case.
  • Click the Subscribe trigger box to set up the event.

    WF create (6)
  • Once you click it, here enter the title of the event.

    WF create (7)
  • Then select the event from the drop-down menu. Now, I'm selecting the On learner form submitted option.

    WF create (8)
  • Then, select your forms.

    WF create (9)
  • Then click the Save Event button.

    WF create (10)
  • Now select the Action box.

    WF create (11)
  • Enter the action's title, and then select the action from the drop-down menu. Now I'm selecting the Send a free resource option.

    WF create (13)
  • Once I've selected it, click this field and select the free resourse from the drop-down.

    WF create (12)
  • Then select the attachment.

    WF create (14)
  • Then select a channel. I've selected the Email option.

    WF create (15)
  • If you chose Email, click Compose Message.

    WF create (16)
  • You will now enter a new window. Here, choose an email message template.

    WF create (17)
  • Once you have selected the template, simply click the Use This Template option.

    WF create (18)
  • Here, you can edit the message's subject line and content.

    WF create (19)
  • Once you have made the necessary changes, click the Save Mail button. This marketing email is now ready to send.

    WF create (20)
  • Now return to your school and select the Save Action option.

    WF create (21)
  • Your marketing event and activity are now ready.
  • For example, if your students submit a form from your school, this written email will be sent to them automatically.
  • Once you've configured it, click the Save button to save your changes. 

    WF create (22)
  • Then click the Publish button to activate this workflow.

    WF create (23)
  • By following these steps, you can create and send your marketing mail automatically to your learners.