Create an online quiz in the mock test.

If you select the online quiz option, you can use any template, such as CAT or UPSC Paper 1. You can also include several kinds of questions, such as multiple-choice and numerical questions

  • To create an online quiz in the mock test, log in as an admin.
  • Then select Content from the left-hand menu bar.

  • Now, choose Mock test from the dropdown.

  • You'll arrive at this page. Click on the Create button.

  • Enter the title and price of the mock test.

  • If you want to offer this mock test for free, please select "Make this a free mock test."

  • Then, select the Online Quiz type.

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  • You can select the quiz template after you have chosen it.

  • After selecting the template, click the Create button.

  • Now you have created the mock test product.