Create a Section Quiz lesson for your course.

With a few simple clicks on the Learnyst platform, you can add a section quiz to your course.

  • To add a section quiz to your course, go to Contents > Courses > Select the desired course.

    reorder section-1
  • Then click the "Add Lesson" button.

    add sec quiz
  • When you click it, several lesson types are displayed. Now, simply enter the lesson title, select the Section Quiz, and click the Continue button.

    add sec quiz (1)
  • The next screen will ask whether you want to take a general or practice quiz.

    add sec quiz (2)
1. General quiz: 
  • If you select the General Quiz option, you can customise all of the features and question types.
  • Furthermore, your learners will only be able to see the answers after submitting the test. 

    dif gen quiz (2)

2. Practice Quiz:

  • If you choose the Practice Quiz option, your learner can see the correct answer after answering each question. 
  • You can't create a new section in the practice quiz.
  • The essay lesson is not available for practice quizzes. 
  • For the practice quiz, you can not modify the switch tab restriction and advanced feature settings (with the exception of Randomisation settings). 

    dif gen quiz (3)
  • After selecting the suitable one, click the Save button. 

    add sec quiz (3)
  • Now, you are going to enter this page. Now click the Add Question button to add a question to your quiz.

    nume que
  • Upon clicking, a variety of quiz choices appear on the right side. Select the appropriate option. 
  • I have selected the Multiple-choice question.

    MCQ (1)
  • Here, you can include instructions for your quiz, questions, options, and an explanation for the answer.  To indicate the right answer, click this check box.

    add sec quiz (4)
  • After you've included the necessary details for your quiz, click the Settings symbol to configure the question.

    add sec quiz (5)
  • This is where you set the mark, difficulty level, guideline time, and tag additions for your question. Then, click here to allow Multiple answers.
  • Once you've completed your changes, click the Save button.  

    add sec quiz (6)
  • If you would like to explain this topic further, click the upload explanation button and add an attachment.

    add sec quiz (7)
  • After completing the editing of the section quiz, click "Preview" to see the quiz.

    add sec quiz (8)
  • Similarly, you can provide different kinds of quizzes to your learners.

Your learners won't be able to examine the question until you publish it. To know how to publish the quiz, click here.