Creating Instructors for the Batch

Creating instructors will set up new accounts as sub-admin for them to log in and join the live classes.

  • Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below.

  • To add new instructors, go to the Admin Dashboard, then click on Contents followed by Batch. and click on Instructors.

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  • Provide the required information for the instructor and then ADD the changes.Untitled design (3)-2
  • Now, the instructor has been created successfully. You can share the login credentials with the Instructor.


1) The newly created instructor will be set up as a new sub-admin.

2) If you wish to assign this instructor role to an existing sub-admin, you can do so by granting Track Instructor role to that admin. Simply go to the Admin Dashboard, then navigate to Users and select Sub-Admins. Choose the desired sub-admin, click on edit at the top right corner, and select the role as Track Instructor.

3) To edit any changes for the instructor, you can navigate to Admin Dashboard >> User >>sub-admin -> edit the sub-admin Details.