Creating or assigning the Batch manager permission to sub-admins

Creating a separate Batch Manager role helps sub-admins manage batches more easily.

  • To create a Batch Manager, simply go to the Admin Dashboard, then navigate to Users and click on Sub-admins. From there, select Add Sub-Admin to begin the process.

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  • Complete the Batch Manager information by entering all required details for the Batch manager and then proceed to click on the Save & Next button.

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  • Assign the Batch Manager role, then click on the Save & Next button to proceed.

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  • After clicking on Save & Next you can add the Products for that role.  so that admin will use those contents in that product to schedule them in the Calendar.

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  • You can Select the Products that you want to assign it to Batch manager role.

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  • Now you have successfully Created a Batch Manager Role. You can share the Login credentials with the Sub-admin so that they can login as a Batch manager

Note : The Root Admin has default permissions to create and manage batches and tracks, as well as track instructors. They can also manage the batches.