Delete lessons from your digital product.

You can remove the unwanted lessons from your digital product with a few steps.

You can delete your product lessons from your digital product in three ways.

First way:

  • Go to the Contents > Digital Products > Select desired digital products.

    dele les DP (9)
  • When you click on your section, you will see the three-dot option in the product lessons. Click on it now.

    dele les DP
  • When you click it, the delete option appears. Press the "Delete" button.

    dele les DP (1)
  • A pop-up for confirmation is now visible on your screen. Click the Yes, Delete button.

    dele les DP (2)

Second way: 

  • Now, select the product lesson you want.

    dele les DP (3)
  • Click the Delete button.

    dele les DP (4)
  • A pop-up for confirmation is now visible on your screen. Click the Yes, Delete button.

    dele les DP (6)

Third way:

  • Go to Contents > Digital Products > Select desired digital product > Select the product lesson you want > Click the Settings button.

    dele les DP (5)
  • By default, you will be in the branding zone. Select the Delete option from the left-hand side of the window. 
  • Then, press the "Delete" button.

    dele les DP (7)
  • A pop-up for confirmation is now visible on your screen. Click the Delete lesson button. 

    dele les DP (8)
  • By following these medhods, you can delete the unwanted lessons from the digital products.