Delete questions from your test series.

You can remove the unwanted questions from your test series with a few steps.

You can delete your questions from your test in two ways.

First way:

  • To delete the questions, go to Contents > Test Series > Select the desired test series.

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  • Choose the desired test.

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  • Now click the continue button.

  • Now you're going to be on this page. Click on the Section to see the questions.

  • When you click on your section, you can see the three-dot option in the question row. Click on it now.

  • When you click it, the delete option appears. Press the "Delete" button.

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  • A pop-up for confirmation is now visible on your screen. Click the Yes, Delete button.

Second Way:

  • Alternatively, choose the question you wish to delete.

  • You will now be on this page. Now, in the top right corner of the screen, click the three-dot icon.

  • Then select the Delete Question option.

  • A confirmation pop-up has appeared on your screen. Click the "Yes, Delete" button.

  • With these steps, you can easily remove unwanted questions.