Delete the free resource.

You can delete your free resource from the Learnyst platform in a few simple steps. Once you have deleted it your learner your learner cannot find this product.

  • To delete your free resource, navigate to Contents > Free Resource > Select the free resource.

    add les FR (1)
  • Then, click the Settings button.

    pub FR
  • You'll now be on the settings page.  choose the Delete free resource option.

    dele FR
  • Now, enter the free resource name correctly, then click the Delete button.

    dele FR (1)
  • Once you press it, a confirmation pop-up appears on the screen. Then click the Delete Free Resource button.

    dele FR (2)
  • You have now deleted your free resource.
  1. Once deleted, this action cannot be reversed.
  2. After the course is deleted, current learners will no longer be able to access it.
  3. Courses can only be deleted if they are unpublished status.
  4. A course can only be removed if it contains no sections.