Difference between a general quiz and a practice quiz.

The Learnyst platform allows you to create two different quizzes.

  • Once you have selected the section quiz and pressed the continue button, the next screen will ask whether you want to take a general or practice quiz.

    dif gen quiz

1. General Quiz:

  • If you select the General Quiz option, you can customise all of the features and question types.
  • Furthermore, your learners will only be able to see the answers after submitting the test. 

    dif gen quiz (2)

2. Practice Quiz: 

  • If you choose the Practice Quiz option, your student can see the correct answer after answering each question. 
  • The essay lesson is not available for practice quizzes. 
  • You can't create a new section in the practice quiz.
  • For the practice quiz, you cannot modify the switch tab restriction and advanced feature settings (with the exception of Randomisation settings). 

    dif gen quiz (3)
  • After selecting the suitable one, click the Save button. 

    add sec quiz (3)
  • Once you have selected the quiz template, you can add questions.