Different kinds of questions for the quiz.

On the Learnyst platform, you can add four different types of questions to your quiz to encourage your students.

  1. Multiple Choice: You can provide choices for your question. Your learner can choose the proper answer from the choices. You can set multiple answers to your question.

    diff ques (1)
  2. Numerical: You can add mathematical problems, and the answers are only in numerical or decimal form. You can set the answer range for numerical-type questions

    diff ques
  3. Essay: You can add essay-type questions to your quiz. And add the important criteria, and it’s the mark percentage. Your learner can write the essay or upload the file. Once they submit their essay answer, you can evaluate their essay and provide marks.

    diff ques (2)
  4. Fill in the blanks: Here, you can add a statement, sentence, or passage with missing words. The task for the learners is to enter the missing words to complete the statement correctly. There is no need to provide choices here. 

    diff ques (3)
  • You can add these types of questions to your quiz.