Edit the group question's details.

You can edit and add questions to your group questions.

  • After you've created the Group question, you can edit it.
  • To edit the group question, go to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Select the quiz and then click the "Continue" option.

    pub quiz
  • When you arrive here, select the More option.

    expo ques
  • Next, select the Question Groups option from the dropdown menu. 

    edi gr
  • The list of question groups is provided below. Select the desired one.

    edi gr (1)
  • If you want to add new questions to the group, select the Add Question button. 

    edi gr (2)
  • If you want to change the group details, click the Edit Group detail option.

    edi gr (3)
  • You can now change the group's title, instruction, and difficulty level here. 
  • When you've finished editing the group's details, click the Save button. 

    edi gr (4)