1. Support Center
  2. Ratings and Reviews

Edit your learner’s reviews and ratings

  • To edit your learner’s reviews and ratings, select the Manage option from the left-hand menu bar. Then choose the Reviews and Ratings option.

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  • When you get to this page, you will be able to see all of your learners' reviews.

  • You can use these choices to filter down the students' list.

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  1. FILTER BY DATE SUBMITTED: This function lets you select students according to the date of submission.

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  2. Select Columns: Use this option to choose which columns to examine.

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  3. Add filter: Click the Add Filter button to filter the results based on the Product title and Status. After every filter has been chosen, click the Apply Filter button.

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  • Once the results have been filtered, click on any learner to edit their review.

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  • You will be redirected to this page after clicking it. By clicking here, you can change the star rating. Click the "Save" once you've made your edits. 

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  • You have now successfully edited the reviews and ratings of your students.