Create a Pop-Up CTA

A pop-up call-to-action (CTA) is an interactive box that appears in the middle of a website's screen. It contains a form and an image, allowing users to enter their information, which the school admin can view.

To add a pop-up CTA, follow these steps:

  • From the admin dashboard, navigate to the Marketing section and then click on CTA.
  • Click on the Create button to start building a new CTA.

  • Under the Pop-Up Box header, click on the Pop-Up Box with Form card.

  • Enter a title and description for your CTA. This information is for your reference to identify the CTA and will not be displayed on the actual CTA.

  • Before publishing your popup CTA, you will need to add the form using the CTA builder and Save to make changes.

Make sure to open the CTA builder and save changes before publishing, else the CTA popup will not work

  • Add the targeting settings to specify the websites where your pop-up CTA will be visible and set the criteria or actions that will activate the CTA on the website.

  • Click on the Preview button to see how your CTA will look. Click on the Edit button to access the CTA builder and modify the design, layout, and content as desired. 

  • Click on Publish > Live to make CTA active.

  • After publishing, you can access CTA details on the CTA page, which displays the CTA count and the CTA click rate.


For Learners: 

When they visit the website where the CTA is implemented, the pop-up box will be displayed upon the completion of the defined events or conditions. 
