Enroll learners from Google Sheets into Learnyst

Streamlining Learner Enrollments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Learnyst with Pabbly and Google Sheets

To add learners onto the Learnyst Platform using Pabbly integration, start by adding learner data into Google Sheets. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a Pabbly Workflow and add Google Spreadsheet as Trigger Application
  2. Add Column labels to Google Spreadsheet
  3. Install Pabbly Webhooks Extension for Google Sheets
  4. Add webhook to Spreadsheet
  5. Add Sign up trigger on Learnyst

Add Google Spreadsheet as Trigger Application:

  • Sign up on pabbly and click on Access Now on Pabbly Connect card.
  • Click on Create Workflow.

  • Name your workflow, e.g., Enroll Users into Learnyst, and click on Create.
  • Choose Google Sheets as the trigger application for the workflow and trigger event New or Updated Spreadsheet Row.

  • Copy the webhook URL provided by Pabbly. We'll paste it in later section.

Add Column Labels to Google Spreadsheet:

  • Log into a Google Sheets account and create a new spreadsheet.
  • Next, we need to add the labels for the sheet, like the username, or the email.
  • We will add the Labels: Username and Email in the spreadsheet. To test our workflow, we will fill in one row.


Install Pabbly Webhooks for Google Sheets:

  • Navigate to the Extensions, move to the Add-ons option, and then click on Get add-ons.

  • Search and install the Pabbly Connect Webhooks add-on and refresh the page.



Add webhook to Spreadsheet

  • Again go to Extensions > Pabbly Connect Webhooks > Initial Setup.

  • Paste the Webhook URL provided. Then, specify the trigger column name where your last label (here, Username) is located, such as A, B, or C.

  • Click Send Test to verify the webhook response and then click on the Submit button to save the Initial setup. 

  • Finally, choose the Send on Event for sending webhook data every time the google spreadsheet is updated manually by the admin.

  • You have now successfully configured the webhook in your Google Sheets, allowing it to act as a trigger and capture webhook responses seamlessly.

Add Sign up trigger on Learnyst

When the spreadsheet is updated, a new learner is to be enrolled into the school. 

  • Choose the Action application as Learnyst.
  • Add the Action Event as Sign Up.
  • Click Connect. 

  • You have the option to add either a new connection or use existing connection.
  • After establishing the connection, you will be prompted to fill in the email for enrolling a new user on the platform.
  • Link the email address received from the google sheet's webhook response.

  • Click on Save and Send Test Request.
  • The learner will be successfully signed up in the school.
