Enroll Learners from spreadsheet to Learnyst easily using Zapier

Create a Zap that automatically enrolls new users from a Google Sheets spreadsheet into your Learnyst school

  1. Sign Up and Create a New Zap
  2. Format Your Spreadsheet
  3. Add the trigger application
  4. Add the Action Application

Sign Up and Create a New Zap

  • Sign up for a Zapier account if you haven't already, and log in.
  • Click on Create Zap > New Zap to start building a new automated workflow.


Format Your Spreadsheet

  • Create a new Google Sheet and define the column headers according to these guidelines.

  • Add a column header titled Email to store the user email addresses and add a valid email to test.


Add the trigger application:

  • Click on Trigger to set up the event that will start the Zap.
  • Choose Google Sheets as the Trigger App.
  • Choose event New or Updated Spreadsheet Row and click Continue.

  • Connect your Google account with Zapier
  • Select the spreadsheet and the specific sheet where you entered the email addresses.

  • Set the Trigger Column to Email.

  • Click on Test Trigger to load the most recent records from your spreadsheet.

  • Review the test data received and click Continue with Selected Record.


Add the Action Application:

  • Click on Action and select Learnyst as the action application.
  • Choose the event Sign Up to enroll the user from the spreadsheet into your Learnyst school.

  • In the data mapping step, map the Email field from Google Sheets to the email data in Learnyst.

  • Test the step by clicking Test Step or skip the test if you prefer.

  • Finally, click Publish Zap to make your automated workflow live.


Whenever you add or update an email address in the designated Email column of your Google Sheet, the Zap will automatically enroll that user into your Learnyst school.

You can navigate to Learner section of your school and review the same. 
