Add Quiz Results of learners into Google Sheets

To automatically add learner scores of a Quiz in a spreadsheet when they complete a Test, we can integrate the process using Pabbly.

  1. Configure the Trigger Event.
  2. Add a webhook URL for the trigger event on Learnyst.
  3. Configure the Action Event. 
  4. Connect the Google Spreadsheet. 

Configure the Trigger Event

  • Sign up for an account on Pabbly. Click on Connect.

  • Click on Create Workflow.

  • Choose Learnyst as the trigger application for the workflow.

  • Select the trigger event as Test Submit.
  • Copy the webhook URL that you get after adding the trigger event.


Add the Webhook URL to Learnyst:

  • Go to your Learnyst account, navigate to Marketing > Integrations > Webhooks, and select Test Submit.

  • Paste the webhook URL in the designated field and click Test and Save.

  • A test webhook response will be received. 

Configure the Action Event:

    • Add Google Sheets as the action application.

  • Choose the action event as Add New Row.

Connect the Google Spreadsheet:

  • Next, we need to create a google spreadsheet into which the data will be stored.
  • Add column labels like user email, score, Quiz name, Product name, and Total Marks to the spreadsheet.

  • Back on Pabbly, click Connect.

  • Click Add New Connection and set a name for your connection.
  • Click on Sign in with Google to authorize access for google sheets.
  • Next, select the Google Spreadsheet that you created with the column labels.

  • Map the values corresponding to your column labels.

  • Now, when a learner completes a quiz the details that we mapped will be added into the Google Spreadsheet.
