Obtain the student information based on enrollment

On the Learnyst platform, you can view your product's enrollment information, such as when learners enrolled and so on.

  • To obtain the student's enrollment details, please register as an admin.
  • When you join, you will be directed to the admin dashboard. Choose the Reports from the left side menu bar. 

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  • Now select the Enrollments option. 

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  • You will now arrive at this page. Here, you can view all of the student enrollment information, such as when learners enrolled, Product title and so on.
  • Each row is clickable and will take you into more detail about a particular learner profile.

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  • Furthermore, you can use these options to filter the results.  

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  • After filtering down the students based on enrollment, you can use the "Send Message" option to send a message. 

  • Once you filter the results, you can form a group based on the results of this filter by clicking the Create Group button. 

  • You can also sort the list ascending and descending by clicking on the columns with triangle symbols, such as the Enrolled On and Expiry Date columns.

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  • Click the Export option when you've finished filtering the enrollment details. 
  • A download link will appear in your email after you click it. The report is now available for download in your email. CSV files will be exported. 

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