Advanced Settings of a Row

The advanced settings allow users to customize the size, spacing, borders, corners, shadows, and responsiveness of a box.

To modify advanced settings, follow these steps:

  •  Click on the designated icon to access advanced settings. 

    Untitled design (13)
  • Adjust the height and width settings to resize the box. In the example above, we adjusted the row width and height to better accommodate the content.

  • Use the Spacing menu by adding padding and margins to adjust spacing around content. For example, in the video below, margin enhances the text block appearance.

  • Click on the border label to style borders with options for thickness, color, and style to enhance the box's appearance and define its boundaries.

  • Adjust the Corner property to add a border-radius or rounded corners to customize the box's appearance.

  • Adding shadows to the background of a row not only increases its visibility but also enhances its visual appeal.
    1. x-offset: Horizontal distance of shadow from object, defining X-axis position.
    2. y-offset: Vertical distance of shadow from object, determining its Y-axis position.
    3. Blur: The extent to which the edges of a shadow are blurred.
    4. Spread: Defines how much the shadow expands or contracts in relation to the object's size.
  • Users also have the option to show or hide specific content by Adjusting the Visibility Settings within the Responsiveness label.