Adding and Customizing a Table into the Website Page

Enhance website layout by adding and customizing tables.

In this article: 

  1. Add Table.
  2. Style our Table.
  3. Add row or column.
  4. Remove row or column.
  5. Merge Cells.

Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below:


Adding a Table to your Website Page:

  • Click on Add button, and then choose Table from the list of available elements.

  • After adding the table, click on Settings option positioned in the top right corner of the table.

  • Select the style label to customize the Table Background. You can also add a Border to the table by specifying the border color and thickness
  • You can choose to apply the changes for table, current row, column.

  • To add a row, you can either insert it above or below the selected cell in the table.

  • You can also add a column either before or after the selected cell in the table.

  • To remove a row or column in the table, simply select the cell within the table and then click on the delete row or delete column option under the Layout label. This allows you to easily delete the row or column where the selected cell is located.

  • Choose a cell and click on the Merge Cell option to combine the selected cell with the one next to it in the same row.
