Adding a Link to a Button

Adding links to a website enhances navigation, directs users to products or external resources.

In this article, we will explore how to link a button click with different actions:

  1. Open Image
  2. Go to Product Checkout or Product Details.
  3. Go to Community Dashboard.
  4. Link CTA button.
  5. Go to Link

Watch the entire video here, or you can go through each step explained below:


Open Image on Click:

  • Select the button to which you want to add a link.
  • Click on the Link icon on the button.

  • You can choose a Video or an Image by clicking on the Upload icon.

  • Choose to open in a new window or on the same screen by clicking on Open in a Lightbox.
  • Title: This text is what the user sees when they hover over the button.

Go to Product Details and Product Checkout:

  • Click on the Link input field and Button settings will open.

  • Select Go to Product Checkout from the Action drop-down Menu and choose a product from the drop-down list.

  • Selecting the Go to Product Details option redirects learners to the product details page upon button click.
  • Click Save to apply the changes.

Go to Community Dashboard:

  • Clicking on Go to Community Dashboard directs users to join the community.


Link CTA Button:

  • You can add a Embed CTA button which you would have already created.

  • Upon clicking the button, a CTA form will appear. Once you submit the form, you will be able to view the submission details.


Go to Link:

  • Select Go to Link from the Action drop-down menu and enter the URL.
  • You can choose to open the link in a new window by clicking on Open in New Window.
