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  2. Legacy Website Builder

How To Configure Play store Developer Account & Launch your Mobile App

To launch your android app on play store, you need to add Learnyst as a developer in your play store developer account. Below are the steps you need to follow to do that.

Go to https://play.google.com/apps/publish/ and login with your playstore developer credentials.

  • You will see the All Apps screen.

You will see the All Apps screen.

  • Select on user&permission and click on invite new users button.

Select on user&permission and click on invite new users button.

  • Upon clicking, this is how the screen will look. Now enter the email id learnyst@gmail.com within the textbox.

Upon clicking, this is how the screen will look. Now enter the email id learnyst@gmail.com within the textbox.

Note: Keep Set access expiry date checkbox unchecked.

  • Now, select Account permissions and select the Admin(all permissions) checkbox. And click on invite user.

Now, select Account permissions and select the Admin(all permissions) checkbox. And click on invite user.

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