Create an Encrypted course to protect your content.

On the Learnyst platform, You can secure your content from piracy and theft by selecting an encryption option.

  • To encrypt your course, first log in to Learnyst as an admin. Now click "Contents" from the left navigation bar.

  • When you click it, you'll see the term "Courses" beneath it. Click it.

    course (1)
  • It will navigate you to this page. Now, click the "Create" button to begin a new course.

    course (2)
  • The course title and price can now be entered on the new page.

    course (3)
  • If you are willing to provide this course for free, simply select "Make this a free course."

    course (5)
  • You can now secure the content by selecting the "Encryption" option. Then click the "Create" button. We are utilising cutting-edge DRM technology to protect your data from hackers. 

    encryp (1)
  • Now, with a few simple steps, your valuable content is protected from piracy and hacks.