If you want your website to be ranked on google, you must first let google know about your website.
You can do this by creating a sitemap of your website.
What is a Sitemap?🤔
A sitemap is a file that lists all of the relevant URLs your website is carrying.
Your sitemap helps search engine web crawlers to understand how your website is built & which page has been updated at what date.
Just like how we use .doc or .txt for files, google will understand sitemap in .xml format.
Does your website have a sitemap? How to check? 🤔
If you are having a word press website and you use Yoast Plugin:
- then your site will have a sitemap. You can check it by typing ex: yourwebsite.com/sitemap_index.xml.
If you don't have a wordpress site, check by typing ex: yourwebsite.com/sitemap.xml
If your site has no sitemap, then don't worry. In this article we will show you how to create one.
How to Create XML Sitemap For Your Website? 💡
You can create a sitemap (XML) in any of the two ways:
Use sitemap generator websites like InSpyder, SiteCrawler, XML-Sitemaps. In this article, we will use xml-sitemaps.com.
Simply type in your website and get the sitemap generated. Now download the sitemap.
Note: This is the easiest approach to creating your sitemaps.
2. Create Sitemap manually
Start a new document in a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit.
Create your sitemap template. A sample template is given below. You can edit this template as required for your website:
Replace example.com with your website address
You can use the optional tags which makes crawling easier for the Google bot like <lastmod>, <changefreq>, <priority> etc.
Save the file as an XML file.
How to Upload the sitemap to your website 🙌
You can submit your site in google & in your Learnyst Account. Below are the steps for the same.
Submit Your Sitemap on google
Open your XML file & copy the link of the XML file
Go to Google Search Console and sign up- https://search.google.com/search-console/welcome
Please ensure, that you have your ownership verified & have an account in google search console.
Choose Sitemaps under Crawl and click on the Add/Test Sitemap button.
Upload the sitemap to your Learnyst website
Now login as admin to your Learnyst account, and head to “Settings” in admin dashboard.
In the next page click on SEO and click on the plus sign, to upload the .xml sitemap.
Note: To add sitemap you first need to have custom url.
Once your custom url is mapped to your learnyst subdomain, log in via your custom url and add the site map
Hope this helps you to create sitemaps & map it to google. Let us know if you still face any issues.
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