How to integrate Learnyst with Google Analytics

In this Article:

  1. Why use Google Analytics
  2. Set up Google Analytics
  3. Copy the G-Tag
  4. Paste the G-Tag on Learnyst admin website
  5. View Reports on Google Analytics Dashboard

Why use Google Analytics

  • Adding Google Analytics to your website provides valuable insights on performance and visitor behavior.
  • Integrate Google Analytics to track visitor numbers, keywords, referrals, and more.
  • This data helps you understand your audience, optimize your website, and enhance your marketing strategies.

Setting up Google Analytics:

  • Go to and sign up with your google account. 
  • Click on Start Measuring to move on to the next step 
  • Choose a name for your account.

  • Name your property, select the time zone, and choose your preferred currency.


What is a property?

Each property represents a distinct entity that you want to monitor, allowing you to gather data and insights specific to that particular website or app.

  • Select your business objectives to generate specific reports aligned with your goals.

  • After completing the steps, choose the platform to collect data from (Web, Android App, or iOS App) to finalize creating your Google Analytics account.

  • Set up a Web data Stream.


Copy the G-Tag from Google Analytics:

  • Click View Tag Instructions.

  • Click on Install manually and copy the Google Tag code.


Add G-Tag to Learnyst:

  • Once copied the tag, Navigate to the Learnyst dashboard and under Marketing > Integrations, click on Code Snippets.

  • Paste the code in the Site Body and click on Save Changes.


View Reports on Google Analytics Dashboard:

  • Once added the GTag, we can confirm it's presence by testing it.

  • When you access the reports on your Google Analytics dashboard, you will be able to view real-time graphs showing the number of visitors to your website.
