How to setup domain mapping after subscribing to a paid plan

Once you have subscribed to a paid plan, you can set up your own custom domain.

Setting up custom domain mapping is a two-step process.

The first step will be to add a CNAME record in your domain service provider Cpanel(or DNS mapping). You can refer to the how to setup your custom domain support article:

The second step is to set up your own custom domain from the Learnyst admin panel:

  • Firstly, go to your admin dashboard, go to the Apps (Website) and select the website builder.


    setup domain mapping


setup domain mapping
  • Now, enter your custom domain within the custom domain textbox.

setup domain mapping
  • If you have hosted your custom domain on cloudflare, select the checkbox. Else, leave it blank and click on the Add Custom Domain button.

setup domain mapping

NOTE: You cannot edit your custom domain once added. So, please make sure that you enter the custom domain carefully.

Next, go ahead and create other important pages in your website like privacy policy URL, terms of service, data usage.

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