Import questions to your quiz.

On the Learnyst platform, you can import questions from Question Pool, Word documents, and Excel into your section quiz.

You can import questions into section quiz in 3 ways.

  1. Question pool
  2. Word document
  3. Excel
  • To import questions, go to Contents > Courses > Selected course > Select the quiz > Press the "Continue" button.

    pub quiz
  • After arriving here, select the More option.

    pri que (8)
  • Select the Import option from the dropdown.
     pri que (9)
  • You will now be on this page. Here you may see three methods for importing questions.

    im que
  1. Import from Pool: You may import questions from your Question Pool.
  2. Import from Word Document: This option allows you to import questions from Word documents.
  3. Import from Excel: This option allows you to import questions from Excel documents.
  • Once you import a question, it will be included in your section quiz.